The ASTM D-892 Foam Test for Determining the Foaming Characteristics of
Compressor Oil
Air compressors are unique in that they ingest large amounts of air for
compression that then comes into direct contact with the operating oil. It
is this extreme aeration that requires air compressor oil to be formulated with
special additives to inhibit foaming. Without the proper oil and
additives, the aeration would create large amounts of foam throughout the oil
system, especially in the separator filter. The end result is a loss of
proper lubrication and then mechanical breakdown, usually due to the failure of
the air end bearings. Failure of these bearings will bring about the loss
of the air end itself.
This foaming can be measured by the ASTM D892, which determines the foam
tendency of the oil at specific temperatures. A specific amount of oil is
blown with air at a set temperature for five minutes. The resulting foam
is measured after this five minutes of air blowing, then again after 10 minutes.
Quality petroleum and synthetic compressor oil should be able to withstand the
aeration of normal compressor operation with no foaming. As additives in
the oil breakdown, foaming can increase and cause mechanical failure